
I am a passionate and enthusiastic reader and want to share the lessons I have learned from some of the great leadership books of our time. Interesting and useful concepts and strategies are then included in my training and speaking programmes.

Updated fortnightly with new reflections and recommendations.

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” - Joseph Addison

Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed
Kathryn Hemming Kathryn Hemming

Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself” - Eleanor Roosevelt

3 Main Messages

  1. We need to be willing to face up to failure and be honest about key data

  2. Lying to oneself destroys the possibility of learning

  3. By recognising and addressing problems we move the world forward

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The Simple Truths of Leadership by Ken Blanchard and Randy Conley
Kathryn Hemming Kathryn Hemming

The Simple Truths of Leadership by Ken Blanchard and Randy Conley

“When things go well, ego-driven leaders look in the mirror and pat themselves on the back. When things go wrong, they look out of the window to see who they can blame.”

3 Main Messages

  1. A leader’s role is to focus on vision, direction and results, while a servant leader also focuses on service - helping people to accomplish agreed-upon goals

  2. Be clear about boundaries - “A river without banks is just a large puddle.”

  3. Leaders must build trust in order for people to be vulnerable and work to their potential

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Drive by Daniel Pink
Kathryn Hemming Kathryn Hemming

Drive by Daniel Pink

“Intrinsic motivation is conducive to creativity; controlling extrinsic motivation is detrimental to creativity.”

3 Main Messages:

  1. Control leads to compliance, autonomy leads to engagement

  2. Most people are motivated by purpose more than money

  3. People want to feel trusted and respected more than rewarded

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Changing on the Job by Jennifer Garvey Berger
Kathryn Hemming Kathryn Hemming

Changing on the Job by Jennifer Garvey Berger

“Asking questions to understand someone’s sense making has helped me become a better listener, a more thoughtful questioner, and a more compassionate person.”

3 Main messages:

  1. We need to as different questions in order to take multiple perspectives and see the whole system

  2. Learning is different to growing

  3. It is the coach’s role to find the growth edge and ask questions which expand thinking

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Start with Why by Simon Sinek
Kathryn Hemming Kathryn Hemming

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

“The role of a leader is not to come up with all the great ideas. The role of a leader is to create an environment in which great ideas can happen.”

3 Main Messages:

  1. Make sure you communicate your ‘why’ in your everyday actions

  2. We are drawn to leaders and communications that are good at communicating what they believe

  3. Every ‘why’ person needs and ‘how’ partner

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Dare to Lead by Brené Brown
Kathryn Hemming Kathryn Hemming

Dare to Lead by Brené Brown

“If you choose courage, you will absolutely know failure, disappointment, setback, even heartbreak. That’s why we call it courage. That’s why it’s so rare.”

3 Main Messages:

  1. We need to serve the people we lead with empathy

  2. Learn how to be curious by asking “say more.”

  3. Unclear is unkind

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Five Steps to a Winning Mindset by Damian Hughes
Kathryn Hemming Kathryn Hemming

Five Steps to a Winning Mindset by Damian Hughes

“Great coaches don’t amass such a record by spending their time talking. They spend most of their time watching and listening”

3 Main Messages:

  1. Make your messages simple, memorable and effective

  2. It’s all about relationships - what can you do to help nurture connections and create a culture?

  3. Train your players to think differently

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Atomic Habits by James Clear
Kathryn Hemming Kathryn Hemming

Atomic Habits by James Clear

“Ultimately, it is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress.”

3 Main Messages:

  1. Success is the product of daily habits, not once in a lifetime transformations

  2. Design your environment for success

  3. Fix the inputs and the outputs fix themselves

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Impact Players by Liz Wiseman
Kathryn Hemming Kathryn Hemming

Impact Players by Liz Wiseman

“When we change our lens from threat to opportunity we can turn risky situations into rewarding experiences.”

3 Main Messages:

  1. Demonstrate growth mindset and ask for feedback

  2. Wear opportunity goggles

  3. Do the job that needs to be done

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