I am a passionate and enthusiastic reader and want to share the lessons I have learned from some of the great leadership books of our time. Interesting and useful concepts and strategies are then included in my training and speaking programmes.
Updated fortnightly with new reflections and recommendations.
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” - Joseph Addison

Getting Things Done by David Allen
“Anything that is held only is your head will take up either more or less attention than it deserves”
3 Main Messages:
Use your mind to think about things, rather than of them
We need to capture, clarify and organise everything in our heads
An effective system will increase time efficiency, make you you less stressed and make others trust you more

The Culture Code by Daniel Cole
“These awkward, painful interactions generate the highly cohesive, trusting behaviour necessary for smooth operation.”
3 Main messages:
People need to feel psychologically safe in order to perform at their best
Leaders need to share vulnerability
Successful cultural communities are aligned around a clear and agreed purpose

Principled by Gill Kelly and Matt Hall
“Leading is never a solitary act, because everything you do is in relation to other people.”
3 Main Messages:
Leaders need to be intentional about their behaviours and lead by example.
Be aware of your saboteur voices and their impact on your behaviours and actions.
There is great power in pausing

TED Talks by Chris Anderson
“A deeper understanding of our own humanity comes not from listening to your parents, or your friends, nor to psychologists, neuroscientists, historians, evolutionary biologists, anthropologists, or spiritual teachers. It comes from listening to all of them.”
3 Main Messages:
The only thing that matters is having something worth saying
Your talk should not be an issue, but an idea
The best speakers paint a compelling picture of a possible future

Atlas of the Heart by Bréne Brown
“Evolutionary theory suggests we should embrace all of our emotions, as each has an important role to play under the right circumstances” - Joseph P. Forgas
3 Main Messages:
It is crucial that we are able to aptly describe and understand our emotions.
Many positive emotions (like empathy) have near enemies (like pity).
We were made to make meaningful connections.

Quiet by Susan Cain
“The purpose of school should be to prepare kids for the rest of their lives, but too often what kids need to be prepared for is surviving the school day itself”
3 Main Messages:
Our temperament comes from ‘nature’, while our personality is formed by our experiences.
We need to build environments where introvert geniuses, leaders and learners can thrive.
Some of us are like daisies: we flower everywhere; while others are like orchids: we need special conditions to bloom.

The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
“People knew up front that he was honestly on their side from the start, and that made all the difference.”
3 Main Messages:
Give one minute goals
Give one minute praisings
Give one minute re-directs

You’ve Got This! by Margie Warrell
“Take the leap; your wings are stronger than you know. Work worth doing is waiting.”
3 Main Messages:
Don’t allow your fear to limit your life’s possibilities
“You don’t have to be infallible to be fabulous” so accept that it won’t be perfect and take the first step
Success comes when we have daily habits and regular rituals and when we plan, collaborate and communicate with others.

Finding Your Element by Ken Robinson
“Aptitude matters, but passion often matters more.”
3 Main Messages:
1 Choose to do work that plays into your strengths, passions and interests
2 We all want to live a life of passion and purpose
3 Find your tribe and be elevated by them

Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? by Dr. Julie Smith
“Courage comes first. Confidence comes second.”
3 Main Messages:
1, The connection between our body and our brain is strong and we need to learn about and look after them both.
2, Our view of every situation is coloured by our history, emotions, opinions, interpretations and judgements. Our view is therefore not fact.
3, Artists step back frequently to view the big picture and so must we.

Future Focused by Rose Gailey and Ian Johnston
“Culture is an organisation’s living, breathing, evolving habits, behaviours and values - the glue holding organisations together.”
3 Main Messages:
1, Leaders are the chief architects of culture and need to lead by example in what they say and do.
2, Purpose should be simple and clear.
3, Decide what is important and then measure and reward that.

Shoe Dog by Phil Knight
“I believed that if people got out and ran a few miles every day, the world would be a better place, and I believed these shoes were best to run in …. belief is irresistible”
3 Main Messages
1 Follow your passion, create your product then build your pack.
2 Success is built on lots of hard work and a bit of luck.
3, Don’t ever become complacent - it can all disappear tomorrow.

WolfPack by Abby Wambach
Wolfpack by Abby Wambach
“Old ways of thinking will never help us build a new world.”
3 Main Messages:
1, Make failure your fuel
2, Lead from the bench
3, Find your pack

Ripple by Jez Groom and April Vellacott
“Creativity thrives when isolated things come together”
3 Main Messages
1, Anyone who works with people needs to know how to apply behavioural sciences
2, Collaborate with people who aren’t like you to stimulate creativity
3, “Our decisions are influenced by choice architecture”

Work Like A Woman by Mary Portas
“How is it that we have a tax system that allows businesses to write off first-class flights for their executives but doesn’t allow someone who is self-employed to claim a penny for childcare?”
3 Main Messages
1, Women want and need changes in the workplace, including flexible working and an appreciation of less alpha skills such as empathy and collaboration.
2, Women are working in a system pitted against them in terms of childcare options and societal expectations.
3, The people at the top have the power to make big changes, but the people at the top are usually men, who have succeeded as a result of the status quo.

The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann
“The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.”
3 Main Messages:
Be generous in elevating others
Be gracious when accepting support and favours
Your compensation is directly proportional to how many lives you touch

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
The thing that distinguishes one performer from another is how hard he or she works.”
3 Main Messages:
1, People want work that is meaningful
2, Success is due to perseverance, hard work and some luck
3, Continue to be curious and look for patterns behind the data

The Elephant and the Flea by Charles Handy
“We all need somewhere to belong. There is a loneliness in going it alone that is the other side of freedom.”
3 Main Messages:
1, Life without work is a life without a point
2, Portfolio careers require balance, determination and self-motivation
3, We all need to live life the way we think it ought to be lived.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
“Decide what you stand for and then stand for it all the time.”
3 Main messages:
Proactive, successful people are driven by internal values rather than external identity
“Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right thing.”
We win big by working with others

Ikigai by Héctor Garcia and Francesc Miralles
“People who maintained a low level of stress, who faced challenges and put their heart and soul into their work, in order to succeed, lived longer.”
3 Main Messages:
Eat well, sleep well and keep moving
We thrive when we have community and purpose
Connect with nature and find joy in small, simple tasks and things